The Teutopolis volleyball team notched another win Tuesday night, beating Windsor/Stew-Stras in two games at home.
The scores were 25-22, 20-18.
For the Lady Shoes, Kelsey Deters had 1 block, 5 digs, 1 hit, 1 kill, 6 serves, 4 points, 42 sets, 19 assists; Holly Heuerman 5 digs, 2 serves; Carly Michels 2 blocks, 5 digs, 13 hits, 5 kills, 12 serves, 4 aces, 10 points; Erica Michels 1 block, 16 hits, 9 kills, 2 serves, 1 point; Hannah Rodgers 4 serves, 2 points; Ciara Repking 4 digs, 8 hits, 4 kills, 8 serves, 2 aces, 5 points, 4 sets, 1 assist; Kaitlyn Schumacher 3 hits, 1 kill; and Emily Konkel 1 block, 7 hits, 1 kill, 7 serves, 2 aces, 5 points.
THS will play Thursday at Neoga.